Heritage Cleaners
Professional Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service Provider

Welcome to Heritage Cleaners
Heritage Cleaners has been serving the western sub-urbs for over 40 years. We are committed to provide the highest quality workmanship and service avail-able. We have worked hard to build a reputation of providing professional quality service for our custom-ers. Our efficient equipment systems and reputable experience give your garments and drapery will re-ceive the finest and most care-ful cleaning care and atten-tion. We would like to have the opportunity to prove that we’re the dry -cleaner you’ve been looking for. We are looking for-ward to estab-lishing a rela-tionship with you and your family that we can all be proud of.
Environmental Friendly Premise
Heritage Cleaners will clean your garments carefully with most advanced and environ-mental friendly dry cleaning machines, de-signed to assure that whites are white and colors are bright by ensuring a consistent eco-friendly work process. We will deliver the unmatched quality service to our customer while maintaining our great dedication to dry cleaning.

Executive Laundry & Shirts Service
Our laundry department will professionally examine the each garments to fulfill your preferences—we’ll press an shape it so it will cradle your neck in comfort, starched or very soft, whichever you prefer. Miss-ing buttons replaced, open seams mended, from starch to finish or no starch at all. Remove a Heritage Cleaners laun-dered shirts/blouses from it’s protective wrap and it glows with cleanliness. All collar styles are restored to their original shape.
Table & Bed Linens
Table Cloths
Linen sets & Napkins
Bed sheets
Blankets & Comforters

Alteration-Tailoring Department
Heritage Cleaners offers a complete alteration, repair, and tailoring services. Machine work and handwork are available with expert advice on restoring the original beauty of your garments. Shortening, lengthening , hemming, lining replacement, zipper/elastic replace-ment, patches and mending services. Be sure to bring in the shoes that you plan on wearing when making adjustments.
Leather & Fur Care
Genuine suede, leather and fur garments need special care with appropriate proce-dures to preserve the natural feel and the color. We have a specialized business part-ner that we believe can do the most professional job, with their expertise and avail-able equipment.

Restoration Department
Heritage Cleaners will give your old draperies new life! Our professional drapery cleaning service restores origi-nal beauty, styling and brightness of color to your drap-eries. There is no substitute for quality cleaning at Heri-tage Cleaners. Call us for professional takedown and reinstallation service, too.
Wedding Gowns Preservation
Wedding gown is one of your most precious posses-sions. It is a symbol of an important event in your life and, as such, should be treated with special care. We will carefully clean and pre-serve the gown in a special storage box that will help prevent contamination. We take advantage of a tech-nology that allows us to guarantee moisture control and an air tight seal for your keepsake. We look forward to provid-ing you with superior cleaning and preservation services for your cherished keepsake.

Simply the best for over 30 years!
4 Grant Sq.
Hinsdale, Illinois 60521
Tuesday: 7:30am - 7:00pm
Wednesday: 7:30am - 7:00pm
Thursday: 7:30am - 7:00pm
Friday: 7:30am - 7:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 5:30pm